
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Stay Organized!!!

This project is for my math and art class called Rapid Prototyping. The purpose of the project was to make something for the new space that will benefit the school or anyone. I learned a lot about tools and how repurposing can be a great thing. I really love the way my pencil box came out and I honestly want to make one for myself now. Another thing I really liked was being able to go to the Wasteshed and be able to purchase a lot of cool things for myself and my project.

The project I made was a wooden pencil box. It can be used to store various materials in the different compartments, and it is a reasonable size so storage will not be a big problem.

Here is a link to my Instructable page.

To do my time lapse video I used the iPhone time lapse feature which take 15 seconds of real footage and condenses it to one second of time lapse footage.

Eleanor from the Wasteshed told me some inspiring things such as:
  • Reusing is such a beautiful thing because you are not only giving back to the world but you are also giving back to the people because one man's trash is another man's treasure.
  • It’s nice to see people find purpose for things that were unwanted by others.
What I took from the things she said was that we should not throw out what we cannot find purpose for because there will always be someone else that will want it and can actually find purpose for it. The main thing I took away from the short talk was that I should save materials so that I could possibly make something better out of them. Most of the materials that I used for the box were leftover wood from my house and nails that my dad already had that he doesn't use. So now I have a very useful box that is made with materials that were just collecting dust.

I was also inspired by the Lapicientos, pencil holder, which is basically a pencil holder made out of pencils. It is a beautiful design and is very functional. I was also inspired by myself because I am an artist and I have hundreds of pencils, markers, pens, etc. and I always have difficulty finding a place to put all of my supplies.
BKJ, Wooden box (2016)

My machine used torque when I was drilling holes in my wooden box. The way it uses torque is that it essentially uses force to spin the drill bit into the wood. This made the job a lot easier because I was using oak wood so it will be almost impossible to screw something in by hand because the wood is very strong. I feel that I used the best drill bit for the job because I tried a different bit later in the process that was meant for metal and it made the job more difficult.

When talking about safety there are a lot of red flags that come up in my project. I used a hack saw when cutting some of my wood and later switched to a table saw which are both are very dangerous. When working with these tools it is always smart to be as alert as possible. I also used a hammer as well as clamps to hold it together to ensure my safety, because holding something with your hand while using a hammer is a dangerous idea.

I loved doing this project and I can definitely see myself repurposing again because I am a bit of a hoarder. I loved working with all the tools and I definitely feel like I learned some skills that I will be able to use later in life. In the end I learned a lot from this experience and I would like to give a few tips to anyone that wants to pursue this project:

  • Always stay alert when you are working with power tools or anything sharp.
  • Try to stand above your drill to get good pressure and to drill as straight as possible.
  • Use clamps when you hammer in nails to avoid hitting your fingers.
  • Take your time when drilling to avoid slipping and hurting yourself.
  • Wear goggles when cutting with the table saw because pieces can fly off and poke you in the eye.

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