
Monday, October 21, 2013

My Heroes' Journeys

                           Sandooches. (2008). The Green Lantern Corps Logo. Wikipedia
 The Battle Of Fear

The battle of fear is an analysis of the Green Lanterns journey and how it relates to the heroes journey.

My hero was the Green Lantern Hal Jordan. I chose this to be my fictional hero because I’ve always liked the Green Lantern and all of his powers and his profession in the ordinary world. The things I do not like about the Green Lantern is his irresponsibility and cockiness. I am going to tell you how the Green Lantern movie follows the heroes journey. The heroes journey is a theory that every story on heroes is thought to follow  Joseph Campbell came up with this theory. In the following text you will see how the Green Lantern movie follows the heroes journey.

The Call
The call to adventure for Hal Jordan is when the Green Lantern ring chose him. The ring chose him after one of the Green Lanterns died. When a Green Lantern is dying they fly to the nearest planet to start the selection process and the planet just happened to be earth. The ring chooses a person that it thinks is fit to bear the great responsibility to be a hero. The Ring Traveled to him by flying and carrying him away to meet the almost fallen green lantern.

The mentor of Hal Jordan is Sinestro. I think this is his mentor because he is wiser and has more experience being a lantern. Sinestro teaches Hal to build constructs with the ring and how his will affects the construct’s stability and also he tries to make Hal Jordan a better Lantern.

The Unknown
The unknown for Hal Jordan is when he goes to the planet Oah and meets so many other Green Lanterns because he is so used to thinking humans are the only beings in the universe. When he first goes to Oah he is surprised to see all the other Lanterns. He feels confused and somewhat amazed.

There are a lot of trials for our young hero Hal Jordan has to face such as strengthening his will and just the thought of becoming a green lantern is a challenge for Hal. But one of the most important trials is when the earth is attacked by Parallax and he has to get over his fear or let the world perish by the hands of Parallax.
Abyss/ Infinite Despair
I think the moment of infinite despair is when Parallax has the Green Lantern trapped under his force field and Hal is at the moment where he thinks that he will be defeated but he gathers all his strength and will and pushes Parallax away and chases him away from earth.

The moment of rebirth for Hal is when he is trapped. He starts saying the Green Lantern code, and that gave him the strength and will to defeat Parallax. He also learned to control his fear. He was afraid of Parallax and the thought of the world being in his hands. He controls his fear by realizing that if he does not, then the world will be destroyed. He does not know he can defeat Parallax but he has the will to try to save the place and ones he loves.

After the courageous battle between Hal Jordan and Parallax, Hal returns to earth and basically realizes that he has to leave his ordinary life behind to become a hero. And he does that by finally taking responsibility because in the movie he is very irresponsible and he learns that he has to take responsibility for protecting his assigned sector. He realized the he was assigned to take care of earth and he realizes that if he does not nobody will. At first he was irresponsible because he would not show up to work on time and he was very cocky in his actions. He transformed because now he is taking responsibility and show more care in what he does.

The Return
He balances the ordinary with the extraordinary by realizing that he can still have his normal life while also protecting his sector. He still can have an ordinary life because after all he is still human and has responsibilities other than being a Lantern, such as being a test pilot for the military.

The Green Lantern Hal Jordan is a hero because at first he was a irresponsible cocky arrogant person and when the ring chose him he slowly started to make a change for the better. He starts to become less cocky because he realizes that there is always someone that is more experienced and better at what they do than you. He becomes less irresponsible because he realizes that he has to protect earth and whatever else is in his assigned sector. The biggest change of all is his attitude, He is more compassionate and careful of the people around him, his partners, and his sector. The eight steps above explain the parts of the heroes journey as identified by Joseph Campbell.
Chart Comparing My Dad And Hal Jordan
My Dad
Green Lantern
Important Jobs
hard working
Hard workers
Wears Uniform
good father
Works up high
Went to Space
nice house and car
Smart in their field of work
masks identity
On time to work
Follows their dads line of work
Super hero

Helps people

The Call
My dad was working at the Boston Sea Party as an assistant kitchen manager. And wasn't making enough money and his dad asked him if he wanted to come work with him so he took the job.

His mentor was a man named Bill Palm. Bill was his mentor Because he never told him what he did wrong he made him think about it and learn from mistakes and i think that is a very smart way to mentor someone. He also taught him everything he knows in the construction industry such as bricklaying and being a laborer.

The Unknown
The unknown place was the first job site he was on because when the workers asked for equipment he didn't know what half of them were talking about. and also your first day is always the hardest because he didn't know anyone and he had no idea what he was supposed to be doing.

The trials were that they left him in charge of ten bricklayers and he had to keep up and make sure everyone had what they needed and he had to get the next place where they were going to go to work. learning how to drive the forklift. Learning how to drive the truck. Also learning how to be a laborer.
He was the only laborer on the job and the bricklayers were working on pipe frames 20 ft in the air and he did not have a tractor. He had to take 12 in rock face blocks and lift them up level by level up 5 levels and climb down and do it all over again all day. At that moment he was so fed up that he went to the foreman and said if he doesn't get help he won’t come back

The moment of rebirth actually happened the next day when he started to get more help on the job and acquired the right materials to do the job right and quicker. And he also made friends with some of the workers and he had some idea what he was doing.

After all of that time being a laborer he realized that he did not want that to be his permanent profession so he look into being a brick layer. And he changed from new construction to restoration which is repairing old buildings.

The Return
I guess you can say that his extraordinary became his ordinary.  He is now happy with his job and it became part of his everyday life.

The hero story of my dad is not as intense as the Green Lantern story but in my eyes he is still a hero. I did not know my dad when he was working at the Boston Sea Party but from what he has told me I would say that he made a change for the better because now he has a good family and a good job. He also has a nice car and house. In conclusion i think his transformation is a good one and he is an inspirational person to me. My dad is my inspiration because I want to see myself where he is when I am older.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Children are our future !!!!

This project is for my math and science class called population. The purpose of this project was to write an argument to a topic that we were assigned. I was assigned child mortality and I wrote mine on what we could do to prevent it. I am proud of all the work I did especially in my writing. I learned a lot more about child mortality than I already knew.

Measles Campaign 17. N.P. 17 December 2008. Flickr.

Child mortality is a big problem for our population. For example, in 2007, the child population was 82,304,668 and the number of children that died were 53,287, putting the child mortality rate at 64.7 (“Child Mortality”). One way to address the issue of child mortality is providing health benefits for pregnant and nursing mothers, because the mother’s health affects the child’s health.
    Take Brazil for example. Last year, they reached the United Nation’s goal of reducing child mortality by ⅔, and they continue to provide new solutions for the problem of child mortality (Page). In Brazil especially, poverty affects access to health care and vaccinations in particular.  According to Page, one of the most important solutions they have found is visiting families and informing them about health issues, including why mothers should breastfeed and how to get vaccinated. “When I started,” says Graça, “the big killers of children here were pneumonia, diarrhea, measles and malnutrition. But we have made a lot of progress on all of these, including through vaccinations and helping everyone understand how important breastfeeding is.”  The programs in Brazil are doing just that.
    A similar solution is being implemented in Uruguay.  Zunin writes about a program in Uruguay that has decreased the rates of malnutrition in children.  The programme called “Uruguay Grows with You,” provides regular medical check-ups for children, which increased from 50 to 82 percent (Zunin).  Like Brazil’s program, the program in Uruguay reaches 1,447 children and 313 pregnant women (Zunin).  The program has been very effective in reducing child mortality.  For example, prematurity decreased among newborns from 9 to 7 percent (Zunin).  Both the program in Brazil and the program in Uruguay attempt to help mothers and children of low economic status.  In addition, they both provide medical attention and education on the important issue of child mortality.  
Have you ever heard someone say, “Children are the future”?  Well, it’s true.  Children have dreams, and they have the right to accomplish those dreams, and you never know what he/she might do to improve the state of our world.  If the child mortality rate does not decrease, take a moment to consider the effect on our population.
Indeed, the population is at an all-time high, and continues to grow daily, but I don’t think it’s fair for the government to decide who gets to live and who doesn’t.  Thus, I sincerely think that we need programs in place around the world to keep mothers and young children informed about the actions they can take to better their health.  As Patrick McDonald, Founder of Viva Network said, "Why is it that a child's death amounts to a tragedy, but the death of millions is merely a statistic?"  Saving one child may not change statistics much, but it may
change the outcome on our world.
“Child Mortality 2007.” National MCH Center For Child Death Review. N.P. (2007)

Page, Kent. “A health worker on the front line of reducing child mortality in Brazil.” Unicef. (16 September 2013).

Zunin, Esteban. “In Uruguay, Programme Helps Parents Keep Children Healthy.” United Nations Development Programme. (2013). Web.15 Oct. 2013.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Honey Bee Population

This project is for my math and science class called Population. The purpose of this project was to study a population of my choice. I chose bees, because bees are a feasible study system due to their high population numbers in my neighborhood. Then I had to come up with a question to research about my population. My question was what type of plants do bees prefer?  In this project I learned a lot about my population and what plants they prefer. Other parts of this project included researching the Evolutionary history of my population. From my research, I discovered that bees originally came from Southern Africa when they were thought to have come from Asia. The most challenging part of this project was finding time to study my population in nature. I am proud of all the work I put into making my presentation.You can look at my presentation below.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Earth Maker and Coyote

This project was for my history and language class called Stories. In this project we had to draw our interpretation of a creation story. The text of this story had to be less than 20 words per slide. The purpose of this project was to see if we can tell a creation story through images and very little text. I liked the drawing part of the assignment because I am an artist and love to draw. I am especially proud of slides two and seven because I put the most effort in these slides. Please enjoy my interpretation of Earth Maker and Coyote