
Friday, May 30, 2014

Prevention Of Stomach Flu

This action project is for my Math and science class called Cure. For the last action project of this class we had to make a normal conversation between a doctor and a patient. The purpose of this was to show the relationship between a doctor and a patient and also to have a conversation about either treatment or prevention. In the conversation we had to give at least three options the patient can take on his road to prevention or treatment. I learned a lot about different treatment and prevention a patient can take. I also learned about how a doctor and patients relationship be. I am very proud of my video because I took a lot of time on it and also it was well thought out. It was very hard to do the video because I had a lot of tech problems in the process but it ended up working and being a very successful video! Please see my video and script below!! ENJOY

Doctor: How are you feeling today?

Patient: I’m feeling...alright. but a bunch of my family has been getting stomach flu and I'm scared I'll get it!
Doctor: I think I can help! How often has this been happening?

Patient: It has already happened to 3 close family members..

Doctor: Well before I get into the details, I want to know if you have any questions for me?

Patient: Yeah. I've been wondering if there is anything I can do to prevent it?

Doctor: one important thing is you have to start eating better.. and also try to stay away for infected family members!

Patient: I will do that! can you please tell me more about the way I should eat to prevent this from happening to me!

Doctor: Well one way is to eat healthier and get the right nutrition in your diet!
Patient: What do you mean by that? can you explain?

Doctor: I mean that a lot of these so called healthy foods sometimes have additives such as GMO’s or unnecessary sugars that can destroy it natural nutritional value. Also you have to watch out with buying fruits because a lot of these supermarkets advertise “fresh food” but most of the time the fruit isn't really fresh!

Patient: Maybe that is the cause! A lot of my family shops at a near by corner store and all of the food they get is…….. well not that healthy.

Doctor: Another way you can prevent it is to stay away from infected family members so you don't also have the same stomach flu. Another thing you can do is wash your hands so you are not exposed with harmful bacteria that can give you this flu or any other infections.

Patient: I will try that also! thank you so much. I was really worried about getting the stomach flu my whole family has been getting but now I'm feeling confident that I can do things to prevent it!

Doctor: Thank you for coming to see me today. I wish you the best with your situation. Your next steps on your journey for prevention would be to go home and check your food labels and stay away from things that seem bad for you. also when you go shopping try an all organic shop. It is a little more expensive but it is worth it if you want to stay healthy!

Patient: Thank you so much! I will make sure to try the things you taught me as soon as possible!+

Doctor: Thank you. Have a great day!

Patient: You too. Thank you!



Do You Listen To The Chorus In Your Life

This project is the last Action Project for the Drama course. The purpose of this project Was to act as the chorus to one scene from The Raisin In The Sun. we were challenged to choose one scene that had a conflict in it. We were supposed to write what we see going on in the scene and also what the characters did wrong. we studied Dramatic chorus in Greek tragedies and i learned that as the chorus talks the characters that are actually in the play cannot hear them in the end, the chorus is supposed to teach a lesson, such as "don't be like.." "remember how…", “instead be like…” I learned a lot about what a chorus was and also i learned what a matriarch is. I did have fun putting the opinion of the people in the text. I am very proud of the chorus my group created because it shows the level of care we put into this project. The biggest challenge of this project was having to re-type the scene we chose from A Raisin in the Sun.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Saving Lives And Proving Equality

This project is for my History class called Drama. for this projects we had to pick a woman of historical signifigance and have them play a role in a short story we were writing. The story was a conversation between myself Nora from A Dolls House and a historical woman of our choice, in my case that woman was Sacagawea. during the process of writing this story I got to address my thoughts on women's rights and also got to express my thoughts about Nora. I learned a lot about the role that Sacagawea played in the world and also I learned how to format a script, persona page and title page. I am proud of my work mainly because I put a funny twist to it but still got down to business and I think it was an all around smooth script to write and read.

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Horrible Bacteria

This project is for my science and math class called Cure. In this unit we had to pick a medicine and show how it affects the body and also we had to show how the medicine works and also a collateral affect through a comic. In my case I chose antibiotics and penicillin in specific. I learned so much in this unit about how medicine works and how it can be harmful. I am mostly proud of the work I did on the coloring of the comic.

Boy: I don't feel good Doc

Doctor: what symptoms do you have?

Boy: Well, I had a huge cut on my arm and didn't clean it and then a couple days later I had a bad infection.

Doc: Here Take this penicillin pill. It will help.

Mother ship: Alright crew, we are looking for the infection keep your eyes peeled.

Soldier: I'll keep an eye out Mother ship

Soldier: bacteria has been spotted Mother ship.

mother ship: Pilot, navigate to the stomach

mother ship: Go troops Go!!!!

Soldier: There's the Bacteria!! Kill them all!

After some time, all the bad bacteria was killed and some good bacteria turned on the antibiotics and destroyed them all