This project is for my art class called You Are Beautiful. In this project we have looked at two peoples works of art such as JR and Matthew Hoffman. We incorporated their work in our project by combining them into one. JR's art consisted of printing faces of people and pasting them in neighborhoods as inspiration or as a sign that everyone is equal and should be treated that way. Matthew Hoffman's work was the very popular and world famous art piece called You Are Beautiful. The purpose of this project was to get a feel of what its like to create and install your own art piece. I learned a lot while building this project such as how to wheat paste and install a piece of art.
We Are Beautiful
The materials we used were
-wheat paste
- exacto knifes
-metal rods
Artist statement
Public art is art that can be touched looked at and is allow to be in the space that it is in and also accessible to everybody and anybody such as art in a park or public walkway like a street or a park garden. The purpose of the project was to create our own piece of public art that would make an ordinary walkway into a beautiful space that will bring life to our Chicago city block. Also it was to get a feel of how it is to build a piece of art and install it publicly. In the process of planning JR and Matthew Hoffman were big inspirations because Matthew Hoffman was the creator of the you are beautiful project and the is what we are spelling out in our project. JR’s work was taking peoples faces of people and posting them around the city to show that we are all the same and should be treated like it. We incorporated them in our action project by combining the two projects. We did the by carving out the You Are Beautiful letters and printing face out of people we know and pasting them on to our letters and putting them in the GCE garden walkway as public art. The process of the entire project was planning it out which consisted of deciding the material, talking pictures, printing pictures and deciding how to make it nice. Building was the fun part because we had to cut plastic in the shape of the letter we chose and also we got to cut out our pictures and wheat paste them onto the letter. Installing the piece was the easiest part because all we had to do was stick the letters into the ground.
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